Your DEsign/build
Our design/build Team Specialize in:
Saving time on your project with seamless design and implementation overlap
Being your single point of contact through the construction process
Collaborating with all parties involved while keeping your best interest at heart
Eliminating the disconnect between designer and builder
Design/Build is the fastest growing method of delivery for construction projects in the United States. While traditional project delivery keeps the design stages and implementation stages completely separate, Design/Build seamlessly integrates the two stages under one contract. By unifying the team in the beginning, it eliminates errors, time, and cost throughout the project.
At Criterion Contractors, we value your time as a business owner and work to eliminate the headache attached to upgrading your workspace. Our Design/Build team fosters an environment of collaboration and problem-solving throughout the project timeline to deliver exactly what you want within budget in the least amount of time possible. Click below to find out more about our Design/Build team!